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8 Easy Ways To Save Money On Snacks

23 Oct 2021
8 Easy Ways To Save Money On Snacks |

The cost of living is high, and it can be hard to save money on just about anything nowadays. But there are some things you can do to cut down your expenses - especially when it comes to food! Here are 8 easy ways to help you & your family get more snacks for less money.

Check Out The Bargain Box

Here at Bargain Boxed we have an amazing option for those looking to save money on snacks! We offer an industry breaking product called the Bargain Box, it's a large variety mix of discounted snacks and candy items sold in wholesale quantities of 10 LBS and 20 LBS. Each box contains popular snacks and candies at a discount of up to 80% off retail prices found in stores and online. We purchase misfit, overstock, seasonal and post dated food items at a wholesale level from retailers and then we pass along the savings to our customers!

Buy in bulk and buy items with a long shelf life

One common way that people save money when it comes to snacks is by buying them in bulk.  By purchasing a large box of chips, wholesale or family size items, you typically are able to save a great deal of money compared to buying smaller portions.   

Another way to save money is by buying foods that have a lengthy shelf life.  Some foods like cereal, chips, crackers, grains, processed foods, chocolate and pasta can be stored for long amounts of time without losing freshness and are still okay to eat after they pass their labeled best by date.  

Visit the clearance section

Many markets have a clearance section with items that are typically close to or past their best by date. These items can be marked down in order to clear up shelf space for newer product, clearance items tend to sell quickly so it's always worth checking the clearance section first when you hit the store.

Thankfully for our environment, more and more large retailers are beginning to mark down food items in store instead of discarding of them and wasting valuable food product. This is a great way to save some money and reduce food waste.

Use coupons to save money on food you already buy

Coupons are another way that many people save money on everything from cleaning supplies to snacks. Coupon clipping can provide a cushion when it comes to your monthly food budget, although it can be time consuming to clip coupons it definitely is worth doing if you want to save some money on your next trip to the store. Many stores provide coupons in the Sunday paper, in store flyers/catalogs, via email newsletters, and online.

If coupon clipping is too time consuming or if you don't get many coupons sent to you by mail, there are some great digital alternatives that can help you get the most bang for your buck. One great way to save is to use the Ibotta App. It's a FREE mobile app that applies cashback for scanning products you've purchased and your receipt, it's very simple and straight forward but can have a limited selection of items which give you cashback, nonetheless its completely free and worth trying!

Check for deals at the grocery store before going shopping 

There are many ways that you can save money when buying snacks. One common way is by checking for deals at the grocery store before you make a visit. By doing this little bit of research, you will be able to find out if there are any specials on particular snack items, cross referencing ads is a great way to coordinate your savings at the store. Keep in mind that in some instances it may be better to shop at fewer stores instead of wasting time and gas going to multiple places just to save a few dollars on your grocery bill.

Make your own snacks at home

One of the most common ways to save money on snacks is simply by making them yourself. By buying the ingredients and creating your own snacks you will be saving money and in most cases get more for the money you do spend. For example, making your own trail mix is much cheaper than buying it pre made because you can typically buy the ingredients to make trail mix in bulk at a much cheaper price. You will also have the benefit of knowing what exactly goes into your creation while being able to add or remove specific ingredients!

Get creative with what you have at home

Another way to save money on snacks is by being creative and thinking about what you have lying around your pantry or refrigerator. You may have a lot of items in your kitchen that could be used to make snacks for yourself or family members. By taking advantage of the food you already have available, you can utilize what you've already spent money on and potentially make something new to try. For example, if you have tortillas and chicken or beef on hand, with a few more simple ingredients you can make quesadillas or tacos. Another great example is using old corn flakes to make a cheesy potato casserole dish. The important idea here is to not waste food because in turn you will be wasting money that was spent to purchase said food.

Buy or make snacks that fill you up faster and keep you full longer

Many people overlook the idea of buying snacks that fill you up faster and keep you fuller for longer.  By buying or making snacks that can do this, it will save you money because you won't need to consume more food throughout your day. For example, instead of buying a bag of chips with empty & unhealthy calories, it would be much better to buy a bag of baby carrots with less calories but yet a denser nutrient profile per serving. The carrots will not only keep you satiated for a longer amount of time but they may also be cheaper than unhealthier options.


We all know that stores are increasing food prices more than ever, but there are still ways you can save money on your next grocery store visit. If your goal is to make the most of what you have and avoid wasting any food, consider making some healthy snack alternatives at home instead of buying packaged versions from the store. Another way to save cash? Buy a bargain box or hit up the clearance section for deals! These strategies will help ensure your pantry stays stocked with plenty of affordable options without breaking the bank.

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