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The History Of Kit Kats | All You Need To Know About KitKats

13 Jan 2023
The History Of Kit Kats | All You Need To Know About KitKats

A Look Back at the History of KitKat Candy Bars 


Everyone has a favorite candy bar, and for many people that candy bar is a KitKat. While KitKats may seem like an ever-present part of our lives, they actually have an interesting history that dates back to the early 1900s. Let’s take a look at how this beloved candy bar came to be. 


The origins of the KitKat can be traced back to 1911 when a company in York, England called Rowntree's released a chocolate bar called "Rowntree's Chocolate Crisp." This bar was made with a combination of milk chocolate and wafer biscuit and was sold in small boxes of three bars. The bar proved popular and gained traction over time, eventually becoming known as the "Kit Kat Chocolate Crisp" by 1924. In 1935, the name was officially changed to "KitKat," which is still used today. 


In 1937, Rowntree's launched an advertising campaign for the KitKat that focused on its connection to tea time rituals. This campaign included ads featuring phrases such as "Have a break...have a KitKat" which were designed to capture the idea that enjoying a KitKat was an enjoyable way for workers to take short breaks during their workday. The ads also featured images of people drinking tea alongside their KitKats—an image that has been associated with this candy ever since! 


In addition to being popular among consumers in Britain, the KitKat also achieved success internationally. It was first exported to Canada in 1933 and then went on to become one of Nestlé's most popular products after it bought out Rowntree's in 1988. Today, the iconic candy can be found all over the world in more than 200 countries!  



Is It Kit Kat Or KitKat?


The debate about the proper spelling of KitKat has been ongoing for decades. While many people use the spelling "KitKat," some prefer to spell it as two words: "Kit Kat." Both spellings are widely accepted, so whether you prefer one or the other is up to personal preference! No matter how you choose to spell it,


Can I use Kit Kats in baking?


Whether you choose to break up a few bars for cookies or crumble them into a cake batter, there are endless possibilities when it comes to baking with Kit Kats. Just make sure to keep an eye on baking times as the candy may melt and burn more quickly than other ingredients. Happy baking!


Thanks for joining us on this journey through the history of KitKats! It’s amazing to see how far this beloved candy bar has come since its humble beginnings in 1911


What does Kit Kat stand for?


The name of the beloved KitKat candy bar is widely believed to have originated with an acronym for “Keep In Touch, Kappa Alpha Theta,” the first Greek letter fraternity for women in the United States. This theory persists because the creators wife belonged to the fraternity, and the phrase was commonly used in her letters. Other theories suggest that it is derived from Kit Cat Club which was a famous political gathering club in London during the 1700s. There is also a popular belief that it comes from the phrase “Kitchen Kata” which refers to the way that the hard wafers forming the bars snapped apart.


Is Kit Kat Nestle or Hershey?


KitKat is currently owned by Nestle. It was originally manufactured and sold by Rowntree's in York, England from 1911 until 1988 when Nestle bought out the company. Since then, it has been one of Nestle's most popular and widely distributed products.


Why is Kit Kat different in Japan?


KitKat bars are especially popular in Japan, where the candy bar has taken on a unique identity. In Japan, KitKats can be found in a variety of different flavors ranging from green tea and strawberry to wasabi and sake! These unique flavors have made KitKats one of the most popular souvenirs for visitors to take home with them. In addition, KitKats in Japan come in special packaging which can feature messages of luck or acts as a good luck charm for exams!


Why do Japanese like Kit Kat?


KitKats have become extremely popular in Japan due to their unique flavors, packaging, and the cultural associations they evoke. The Japanese pronunciation of “KitKat” is similar to a phrase meaning “surely win,” which has led to them becoming a common good luck charm for students taking exams. In addition, KitKats are seen as a luxurious treat that can be shared with friends. These unique qualities have made them extremely popular in Japan, and they remain one of the country's most beloved snacks.


Are Kit Kats made from rejected Kit Kats? Are there crushed Kit Kats in Kit Kats?


Yes, rejected KitKats during manufacturing are recycled into new kitkat products. These are usually broken up and crushed before being added back into the production process. The amount of KitKat pieces used in any given product varies depending on the recipe, but they can range from a few small pieces to a significant proportion of the total mix. However, it is important to note that all ingredients are carefully measured and monitored in order to ensure a top-quality product.


What was Kit Kat originally called?


Kit Kat was originally known as Rowntree's Chocolate Crisp and was first manufactured in 1911 by the Rowntree Company in York, England. The name changed to KitKat when the product was trademarked in 1935. Although there is no definitive answer as to why the candy bar was given its current name, it has been suggested that the name was inspired by a popular phrase at the time, "Kit Kat," which was a shortened version of "Kitty Cat". The original bar consisted of four wafer fingers covered in chocolate. In 1937, Rowntree’s introduced two new flavors - Coffee and Mint. By the 1940s, KitKat was an international success, selling in over a hundred countries.

Today, KitKat is one of the most popular and recognizable chocolate brands in the world. The brand's success is attributed to its combination of tasty ingredients and clever advertising campaigns. In addition to its classic bar shape, KitKat now comes in a variety of flavors, sizes, and shapes including mini bars and KitKat Chunky.

Furthermore, KitKat has also branched out into other food products such as ice cream and cake mixes, further increasing its global appeal. The iconic Kit Kat slogan "Have a Break - Have a KitKat" is now known the world over and has helped the brand maintain its position as one of the most beloved chocolate treats. KitKat is now owned by Nestle and has a wide variety of products available in over 80 countries. KitKat continues to be a success story, with its tasty treats delighting people all over the world. 


What is the slogan for Kit Kat?


The iconic slogan for Kit Kat is “Have a Break, Have a Kit Kat”. The phrase has become synonymous with the brand and is one of the most widely-recognized slogans in the world. So take a break and reward yourself with a delicious Kit Kat!


What is the rarest Kit Kat flavor?


The rarest Kit Kat flavor is White Chocolate Matcha. This limited-edition flavor was released in Japan in 2019 and consists of a rich white chocolate shell coating a base layer of matcha-infused wafer. It is considered to be one of the most sought-after flavors due to its unique combination of flavors and its scarcity. Other rare flavors include ginger ale, sake, and a whisky-flavored KitKat.



What is the strangest Kit Kat flavor?


The strangest Kit Kat flavor is the Wasabi KitKat. This unusual combination of sweet and savory was released in Japan in 2014 and has since become one of the most popular flavors amongst adventurous snackers. The bar combines a mild sweetness from white chocolate with a spicy kick from Wasabi, creating an interesting flavor profile that's sure to surprise even the most experienced of KitKat fans! Other strange flavors include black soybean, soy sauce, and purple sweet potato.


What is the in-between stuff in a Kit Kat? What's Inside Of A KitKat? What is Kit Kat filling made of?


The inside of a KitKat is made from wafers and chocolate. The wafer layers are composed of wheat flour, sugar, vegetable oil, whole milk powder, and cocoa butter and are sandwiched between two layers of chocolate. The outer layer of the bar consists of milk chocolate made from cocoa solids, sugar, dried skimmed milk, cocoa butter, and vegetable fat. The filling, or creme layer, is a mixture of sugar, corn syrup, whey powder, vegetable oil, and artificial flavors. Finally the bar is topped with chocolate chips for a crunchy texture. This unique combination of ingredients makes KitKats so delicious!


Did Kit Kats used to have 5 fingers?


Yes, KitKats used to have five fingers. The original chocolate bar was invented in 1935 and had a typical finger shape with five sections. It wasn't until the early 2000s that the bar was changed from five fingers to four, which is now its iconic look. This change was made by Swiss manufacturer Nestle in order to make the snack easier to eat and enjoy. The new shape has proven to be popular with consumers, but many KitKat fans still miss the five-finger design.


Which country eats the most Kit Kats? 


Japan is the country that eats the most Kit Kats, consuming approximately two billion of these chocolate bars every year. This is largely due to the fact that KitKats are highly popular in Japan and have been adapted to fit local tastes with a variety of unique flavors. Additionally, the four-finger shape has become an important symbol in Japanese culture


What country has the most Kit Kat flavors?


Japan has the most Kit Kat flavors, with over 350 varieties that have been released since 2000. These include classic flavors such as strawberry and matcha, as well as more unusual varieties like wasabi and soy sauce. This wide range of flavors has made KitKats a popular treat in Japan and has helped to establish them as an iconic snack across the world. The current slogan for Kit Kat is "Have a Break, Have a KitKat". ​


Are kit kats good?


Yes, KitKats are a popular and delicious snack that is enjoyed all over the world. The distinctive combination of crispy wafers and creamy chocolate makes for a great treat any time of day. Additionally, KitKats have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their unique flavors and limited-edition releases. From classic milk chocolate to innovative flavors like sake and wasabi, there is sure to be a KitKat flavor for everyone to enjoy! So if you're looking for a quick snack or something sweet to satisfy your craving, reach for a KitKat! ​​​​


Can I make my own kit kat?


Yes, it is possible to make your own KitKat at home! All you need are some wafer biscuits, melted chocolate, and some creative flair. Start by lining a baking dish with the wafers and then pour over the melted chocolate. Once the chocolate has cooled, cut into bars or fingers and enjoy your homemade KitKat bar!


Are kit kats candy?


Yes, KitKats are a type of candy bar. They are made from crispy wafer biscuits sandwiched between layers of creamy milk chocolate. The four-finger shape is iconic and has become an essential part of the KitKat experience. Additionally, KitKats come in a wide range of flavors, making them an ideal treat for anyone with a sweet tooth! KitKats are a popular snack around the world, so why not grab one and have a break today?​ ​​​​


Can kit kats expire?


Yes, KitKats can expire in terms of losing optimal flavor & texture. They are still safe to consume in most circumstances when past the best by date up to 16 months. The inner kitkat wafer may become stale and the chocolate may lose some of its flavor in terms of sweetness and creaminess.


Are kit kats vegan?


No, KitKats are not vegan as they contain milk and dairy products. However, there are some vegan-friendly KitKat alternatives that can be found in certain shops. These bars often use plant-based ingredients such as dark chocolate and coconut oil instead of dairy products. They may also contain additional flavors like strawberry or matcha for a unique twist on the classic KitKat.


Are kit kats gluten free?


No, KitKats are not gluten free as they contain wheat and other grains which contain gluten. However, there are some gluten-free alternatives that can be found in certain stores. These bars often use vegan ingredients such as dark chocolate and coconut oil instead of wheat and other grains. They may also contain additional flavors like strawberry or matcha for a unique twist on the classic KitKat.

Are kit kats chocolate?


Yes, KitKats are made from milk chocolate which is created by combining cocoa with sugar, milk solids and other ingredients such as emulsifiers and flavorings. The flavors of the chocolate will depend on the type of cocoa and other ingredients used, as well as how these are blended together. KitKats have become a popular treat all around the world due to their iconic shape and delicious taste! ​​​​


Can a kit kat kill a dog?


No, KitKats are not likely to kill a dog. However, they can cause digestive issues if consumed in large amounts due to their high sugar and fat content. Additionally, some of the flavorings used in KitKats may be toxic to dogs so it is best to keep them out of reach. If your dog has eaten a KitKat conact your vet for advice. ​​​​


Are kit kats made in the UK?


Nestlé has made sure that all of us can enjoy the delightful taste of Kit Kat bars by bringing them to 16 countries around the world! From Brazil and Mexico to United Kingdom, Canada and Australia, you'll find Kit Kats being produced in New Zealand, South Africa, Germany, Russia, Japan, China, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Bulgaria and Algeria. So no matter where you are in the world you can still get a little bit of deliciousness!


When did the kit kat come out?


The first KitKat bar was produced in the United Kingdom in 1935. It was created by Rowntree's of York and originally called 'Rowntree's Chocolate Crisp'. The name 'Kit Kat' was officially adopted for the product in 1937 when it was introduced on the British market. Since then, it has become one of the


From its humble beginnings as “Rowntree’s Chocolate Crisp” more than 100 years ago, the Kitkat is now one of Nestle’s most popular products worldwide. Thanks to clever marketing campaigns and its association with tea time rituals, enjoying a break with a Kitkat is one of life’s simple pleasures enjoyed by millions around the world every day! Whether you enjoy them alone or share them with friends and family, it’s easy to see why this classic candy has stood the test of time!

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